
Hal 9000 tshirt
Hal 9000 tshirt

In the end of 2061: Odyssey Three, it was revealed that Bowman and HAL now existed inside the Europa monolith. ATTEMPT NO LANDINGS THERE." Bowman then told HAL they would be together, "where he was now." The Discovery was then destroyed, leaving HAL's fate unknown. In his final moments, HAL was contacted by Bowman, who asked him to deliver Earth a message: "ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS EXCEPT EUROPA. Unexpectedly, HAL accepted his fate and helped the Leonov crew escape. Chandra eventually broke and told HAL of his probable demise in their escape. Meanwhile, TMA-2 was rapidly replicating on Jupiter, turning it into a star. HAL grew curious of their plans and repeatedly asked his creator, Dr. The crew figured a way to leave, but it would leave Discovery behind, stranded. Heywood Floyd and warned him to leave in 15 days when "something wonderful" was to happen. HAL monitored the ship until the "ghost" of Bowman used HAL to communicate with Dr. HAL assisted the Leonov crew in restoring the USS Discovery One to its former glory (as the ship had been floating in space for 9 years). HAL was later reactivated by his creator in 2010: The Year We Make Contact with his memories of his psychosis erased. Reverted to his first memories, HAL sang the song "Daisy Bell".

hal 9000 tshirt

Bowman managed to use the emergency airlock to get in and disconnected HAL. Bowman left the ship to rescue Poole, but was not allowed to re-enter the ship by the psychotic computer. He then also cut off life-support from the hibernating scientists onboard, killing them. When Poole went to put back the malfunctioning unit (to see what was causing the "malfunction"), HAL crashed the space pod into Poole to cut his oxygen hose, killing Poole.

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The astronauts (Bowman and Poole) found nothing wrong with the AE-35 unit and privately told each other that HAL might be malfunctioning and perhaps should be disconnected. He cut off communication with Earth and lied about the failure of the AE-35 unit (the communications antenna), thus necessitating one of the astronauts to bring it aboard and replace it. Due to this, HAL developed a neurosis and a sense of imperfection about himself. He was an incredibly knowledgeable AI system that was given one simple order: to make sure that the ship reached its destination at Jupiter.Įarlier HAL had been given another order which was the real purpose of the mission to the astronauts: to study the signal sent by TMA-1, an alien monolith.

  • 1.2 2010: The Year We Make Contact (Film).

  • Hal 9000 tshirt