The safest and the best way to deal with your enemies is by performing stealth kills or what the game like to call ‘executions'. You can only carry one weapon from the four categories and each weapon has a different color in the inventory screen, allowing you to identify the purpose of each weapon type.
And finally, axes and pliers etc can also be used again and again, plus these big weapons can also be used to perform instant kills.

Then you have crowbars, saws and electric sticks etc which can be used repeatedly to kill enemies. Next you have bricks, bottles and rocks etc which are used to distract guards and lure them near you so that you can deal with them appropriately. These weapons disappear after you have used them for killing an enemy. You will find glass shards, syringes and polythene bags etc which are good for just one kill. In each level you will find four different kinds of weapons. Each level is also filled with The Project's henchmen whom you will have to deal with en route to your objectives. The game is divided into several levels with each level requiring you to complete certain objectives like burning records, finding an exit and taking care of all the enemies etc before moving on to the next level. Manhunt 2 is a third person stealth action adventure. If you have played Manhunt 1 then you feel right at home with Manhunt 2, but if you have not played the original you will find this game to be unlike anything Rockstar has produced so far and you can rest assured that this game is in no way a Grand Theft Auto (GTA) clone. But to get to the answers that he is seeking, Danny will have to go through The Project the organization responsible for messing up Danny's mind. A prisoner in a mental asylum of sorts and unable to remember his past, he decides to escape from the asylum and find out the truth about himself and more importantly his past. In the game you play the role of Daniel Lamb, more commonly referred to as Danny. Developed by Rockstar London Manhunt 2 takes the violence, gore and profanity that the developers are famous for to a whole new intense level and makes sure it stays there.

It would be inaccurate to call Manhunt 2 a true sequel to the original ultra violent and ultra gory Manhunt, because even though the latest game carries the same name it tells a whole different story with a completely different character. Developed by Rockstar London Manhunt 2 takes the violence, gore and profanity that the developers are famous for to a whole new intense level and makes sure it stays there." "It would be inaccurate to call Manhunt 2 a true sequel to the original ultra violent and ultra gory Manhunt, because even though the latest game carries the same name it tells a whole different story with a completely different character.